

  El día domingo 17 de diciembre fue un día lleno de alegría, sonrisas y muchas sorpresas para todos los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes sordos, visto que ese día celebramos la navidad y degustamos del rico panetón con su chocolate. Durante toda la mañana los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes sordos presentaron sus dramas sobre el Nacimiento de Jesús, bailes, interpretación de canciones navideñas en lengua de señas, así como también los jóvenes prepararon diferentes juegos para los padres de familia como también para los niños. Quiero dar gracias en especial a todas aquellas personas que apoyaron y donaron regalos, canastas, panetones y chocolates, la cual hicieron posible esta celebración navideña con todos los estudiantes sordos.  También quiero resaltar el gran trabajo que realizaron los estudiantes desde que se empezó a preparar las actividades para esta celebración, visto que fueron quienes se esforzaron un montón para que esta actividad salga de lo mejor.


  El día viernes 24 de noviembre en la Escuela de Sordos hemos tenido la visita de una especialista en el tema de DISCRIMINACIÓN ÉTNICO-RACIAL, donde se brindó charlas a los adolescentes y jóvenes sobre discriminación racial que lamentablemente sigue existiendo en nuestro país, se habló de términos muy importantes que los adolescentes y jóvenes sordos deben conocer, como por ejemplo, que es estereotipo y prejuicio; durante esta significante charla los presentes aprendieron y brindaron sus opiniones respecto al tema y al mismo tiempo la especialista les enseñó la manera correcta de denunciar en caso sufran discriminación étnico-racial.  On Friday, November 24, at the School for the Deaf, we had the visit of a specialist about ETHNIC-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, where adolescents and young people were explained about this topic, which unfortunately still exists in our country, very important terms that deaf teenagers and young people should know like stereotypes and prejudices. During this sig


  Durante el mes de noviembre hemos estado trabajando para la celebración de la NAVIDAD, cada grupo (Niños, Adolescentes y Jóvenes) son responsables de elaborar adornos navideños para la ambientación de su aula. Mi persona estuvo trabajando con los jóvenes, donde hemos elaborado muchas tarjetas de invitación para entregar a los padres de familia, elaboramos luces navideñas para ambientar y actualmente estamos elaborando nuestro nacimiento de Jesús. Todas estas actividades nos permitieron demostrar nuestra creatividad. Así también, en coordinación con la profesora Jessy encargada del programa Lengua de Señas, a cada grupo se le asignó un numero artístico para que presenten en el día de la celebración por la navidad. During the month of November, we have been working for the celebration of CHRISTMAS, each group (Children, Teenagers and Youth) are responsible for making Christmas decorations for the settings of their classroom. I have been working with the young people, where we have made


  GETTING TO KNOW A LITTLE BIT OF DEAF CULTURE International Sign Language Day is celebrated every September 23, established by the World Federation of the Deaf in 1951. This Day marks the birth of an organization, which has as one of its main objectives, the preservation of sign languages and deaf culture as prerequisites for the realization of the human rights of deaf people. The first International Day of Sign Languages was celebrated in 2018 as part of the International Week of the Deaf, which was first celebrated in September 1958 and has since grown into a global movement that promotes and raises awareness of the challenges that deaf people face in their daily lives. Here in PERU, on the fourth Sunday of September each year, we celebrate the "National Day of the Deaf Person" and on September 23, the "Peruvian Sign Language Day" as a unique opportunity to support and protect the linguistic identity and cultural diversity of deaf people. While it is true


  MY EXPERIENCE AS A YAV  AT MY WORKPLACE   The month of September marks my first month volunteering for the YAV program with the Peace and Hope Institution in the Sign Language program located in the province of Moyobamba, San Martin region, Peru, and this has been wonderful and very meaningful to me. My volunteering with Paz and Esperanza is on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays: On Mondays I prepare materials for classes with the deaf and hearing in the Paz and Esperanza office.   On Thursdays I accompany teacher Luz Clarita Tejada and Jessy Chávez to give sign language classes to hearing teachers of the Serafín Filomeno National Emblematic School located in the province of Moyobamba, these Thursday activities also help me to expand my vocabulary to be able to have a better interaction with the children, deaf adolescents and young people.   On Fridays and Saturdays I teach Spanish to

Marilú Calle Rojas

Hello! My name is Marilú Calle Rojas. I was born in Yantaló, Peru. I presently live in  Calzada which is a district of the province of Moyobamba, located in the high jungle. I  am 22 years old and I will be serving as a YAV in Nueva Cajamarca and Moyobamba  city for the 2023-2024 year. I graduated from the Public Pedagogical Higher Education  School "Generalísimo José de San Martín" as a teacher of Languages with a specialty in  English. I characterize myself as being a responsible, respectful, self-motivated, creative  and patient professional with the ability to maintain good social relations in the work  environment. I am also very committed to continual growth in my academic training.   I am really excited to be part of this valuable YAV program, which will allow me to gain  incredible experiences and learn more about how important it is to serve and actively  participate in our community and the world. I am sure that it will help me a lot in my  personal and spiritual gr